Herbed Chicken Asparagus Salad

Quick and easy, this makes for the perfect throw together meal when you're craving something fresh and fast. If you don't have the exact same vegetables, no worries, just use whatever is in your fridge!

Serves 1

120g free range chicken, organic if possible
¼ teaspoon dried basil
¼ teaspoon dried oregano
¼ teaspoon dried thyme
¼ teaspoon dried marjoram
5 spears of asparagus
½ a cucumber
½ a capsicum
1 tomato
5 almonds
fresh lemon and pepper to serve

1. Coat the chicken with the dried herbs
2. Heat a pan over medium heat, spray with a little extra virgin olive oil, and cook the chicken. Once cooked, slice into bite size pieces
3. Cut and steam the asparagus
4. Slice up the cucumber, capsicum and tomato
5. Chop or crush the almonds
6. In a bowl, serve the vegetables first, then add the chicken and almonds
7. Add fresh lemon and pepper. Serve with a complex carbohydrate - e.g. a slice of rye toast, some brown rice or quinoa. Enjoy!


Herbed Chicken Asparagus Salad